Saturday I went with my brother, Todd, and my boy, Keaton out into the desert to sight in my bow. Keaton had a great time but because I forgot my camera, which I kicked myself for all day, I had to settle for these pictures with my cell phone. Not the best of quality but I think you can get the idea of how much fun a little boy can have when there is dirt and hills involved.

It turns out Keaton is a little mountain goat. He climed the decent sized hill where we were three times all by himself.

Enjoying the view from the "top of da world," as he would declare each time he got to the top of the hill.

Playing in the dirt of course.

Here is some perspective as he nears the top of this fairly steep and high climb. You can see Todd approaching the bow target down in the bottom of the ravine a little to the left and up from Keatons head. Just a small speck way down there.
I love that Keaton is getting old enough to get out and enjoy some of these little adventures. The look on his face as he does something that he is so proud of or when he discovers something new, even if it is just an old crusty cow pie, is priceless.

Examining another rock!